My Personal Spare Time Interests and Activities
My hobbies are paid by me and no-one else, I'm for change in my life and change in my jobs.
Movability on the employment market
Change benefit businesses and people in the long-term perspective.
I'm for change in my life and change in my jobs.
Change is a tricky thing. The impact of a change may not show until years later and there is nothing you can do to speed things up.
Change is about patience and accepting the fact that over time changes will happen.
Once a change actually occurs, it can sometimes be impossible to change back.
Change is for those who have the patience to wait.
Change happens in small steps at a time over time regardless of what you are trying to change.
Change is often not accepted initially, and change begins long before it is visible to others.
Mathematical models for change effects often have no lag factor built in. Change effects can be something initially but completely different later.
People who get angry based on someone else's life changes have a life/work plan that has no room for flexibility or change and the plan has been set up without consulting everyone included, but change happens no matter what.
My priority will never be a secure job or workers unions. I will choose change whenever I can to find something new and interesting, I have no problem leaving a job or turn down everything in a company benefit package that doesn't appeal to me.
How your change will look like is up to you. Building a railway to a new destination, sail out into the unknown, close the door, open a door, walk away, race out on two wheels, ..., will all take you to different places.
Comfort zone
I have moved and resettled more than 15 times in my life. I have lived in different kinds of homes with different interiors. Relocations have been triggered by studies and new employment.
I have had more than 15 different employments with different employers.
Change has a price tag, a cost you have to pay every time. I don't mind the change or the cost, although I can't spend my money on luxury items. I consider change to be valuable than luxury items.
Change is a comfort zone for me. Today I live where I want to live and I'm not movable when it comes to my home, I'm movable when it comes to employers. A new employment is always interesting.
I have chosen to always invest in change: new technology, new jobs, new design, new architecture, new building standards, new fashion, home renovations, etc. and I'm not interested in old stuff, in old standards or in old designer objects.
I have always renovated every new home and always moved out before re-renovation of current home, none of it has been tax deductible since I moved out well past the legitimate tax reduction period. Tax-deductible terms have changed since then and will change again. Having a home based on my design has been more important than tax deductions. Today, I'm in re-renovations of my current home and not a new one. I have the home I always wanted and nothing lasts forever, every home will need TLC on a regular basis with or without tax reductions.
If you live a life based on tax deductions, you will not have any life or any home that's you and you don't know anything about life. I don't care about tax cuts and I use the ones that apply at the moment when applicable, I don't plan my life based on taxes. I.e. marriage and children can be beneficial from a tax point of view, and it comes with other benefits - I pay for all that with my taxes, but I don't get any of it. I expect everyone with an employment in Sweden to pay tax in Sweden, I also expect every business in Sweden to pay tax in Sweden. I don't believe in overpopulating the planet.
Change is an interest and a hobby. I'm interested in learning and acquiring new skills.
Life is more interesting when you change jobs every now and then than to stay employed. A new job offers opportunities to learn new things.
Even unemployment offers opportunities to learn something new.
I will not upgrade any of my hobbies to a future commercial level, it's up to the professionals to deliver the commercial future.