My Personal Spare Time Interests and Activities. My hobbies are paid by me and no-one else.
My own freedom and independence
I'm not a member of any church and I do not celebrate any religious events. I intend to stay free from everything religious and I do not believe in a religion or in any Gods.
Membership independent and I will not join anything that requires a membership.
Independent of everything military and I don't believe in military solutions.
I will not donate anything or accept donations, I do not approve things for free.
I have no problems turning down offers or invitations if they do not suit me.
I have never desired or asked anyone to invest in anything on my behalf and I never will.
I have paid for all my university studies and my apartments, with the help of loans and my own money. I also financed my business with my own money, when I had learned what I wanted to learn I put the business down. I was interested in learning things and not in owning and running a business. I had been involved twice in starting up businesses as an employed manager for different employers without being involved in the financing of being a board member. I know what it takes to get a business started, today I know even more and it's useful. The reason for owning and running a business is not always money, it can be anything, and the reasons can vary from country to country. It's OK to close a business in Sweden, and how it is done is regulated.
I have never consulted anyone for help or advice, and I never will.
I will not support any part in a relation with problems and I will not accept to be an excuse for anyone in any relation.
I'm not interested in the belongings or possessions of any of my family / relatives / friends / employers or someone else's husbands and boyfriends.
I have nothing from my grandparents, my parents or any other relative, others have taken their possessions for reuse. Everything I own I bought or made myself.
I have survived on my own without any wealthy parents, wealthy relatives, wealthy friends, parachutes, lifelines, social welfare, law suets and withouts anything crimal/religious. I have always lived based on my own decisions and values, and I have supported myself by working. A personal and personal financial education is as important as a professional one.
I'm not a competitive person and winning is not important, losing can be just as interesting - if you dare to face it.
I have never accepted to be forced into anything by anyone, and I never will.
I do not accept interference from anyone. If anyone interferes with my life, they are deported for good. I know what I want and what I do not want.
I have not and will not interfere with anyone else's life. I consider everyone capable of sorting out their personal problems, if not - get professional help.
State, family, relatives, friends, church or partner should never force anyone into any decisions, and everyone should be free to leave whenever they choose to.
People who have been forced into jobs, businesses, relations or positions which they never should have chosen otherwise will never contribute to economic growth or to any positive change.
I have abandoned the change of time twice a year. I'm using summertime year-round.
I'm happy to live alone without any responsibility for any relatives, never married and without any children.
None of my relatives can provide me with a safety net in any situation and neither can I provide them with one. Those who are married, live in a relationship or have decided to stay in close relation with their relatives have chosen a different security plan than I have.
Family doesn't matter and it never has in my life. I have no interest in any of my relatives/any ancestral relatives anywhere on this planet. I'm not related to everyone named Kalliomaa and I may be related to some who are not named Kalliomaa.
I'm not interested in any life partner or starting a business of my own.
I will not change my name and I prefer to choose how my last name should be pronounced, Swedes don't know how to pronounce it anyway. The name is hard enough as it is and the English pronunciation softens it, there's no need to scare the shit out of people. My mother's maiden name is just as tough. Water can be tougher than both rock and metal, and I don't have to rely on my parents or any relatives. My last name doesn't really matter and the one I have is good enough. There are Asian people who are aware of a correlation between names, how they are pronounced and their impact.
To not accept and to not agree usually has financial drawbacks, and I have always valued myself before money.
I'm comfortable with people who can make their own decisions and discard the advice given. I like teamwork where everyone is entitled to an opinion and a voice. I don't fit in where people expect to be told what to do, buy and how to live their lives.
Any advice given should come with pros and cons along with a why. If not it's excluded. Not everyone appreciates advice that is given without being asked.
Any advice given is excluded if it doesn't fit into my experience stack and doesn't suit into my life expectations. Every advice should be valued on what it can contribute with and not just stupidly be followed. Stressed people give incorrect and useless advice, they just want the problem to disappear and any advice that can do that will do. The Swedish expression for it is: Sieve mosquitoes and swallow elephants. We also have glass ceilings to ensure the mosquitoes stay down under, every low-level manager has to be able to deal with them. Development has never had any problems with swarms of mosquitoes, but all test departments have had problems dealing with them. When the elephant hunters can no longer deliver elephants, the test department is flooded with mosquitoes. It's always an owner decision to turn the interest to the mosquito problem. The ways to deal with mosquito cisterns are to keep filling until a recession is in sight and try to kill as many as possible while there are no elephants or regularly empty the cistern i.e. don't kill them, just flush them from the registry or use modern project methods to avoid expanding cisterns. Huge mosquito cisterns can scare the shit out of inexperienced people. How mosquitoes should be treated depends on how the business is financed and once again it is the owners' strategy that applies. How projects are planned and implemented should also depend on how the company is financed.
A job now and then within my fields of interest, short- or long term positions.
I'm not holding on to any job, if someone would like to take over my job just ask, and I would consider it.
I don't mind occasional periods of unemployment.
Early mornings are silent.
Street noise and street life is very relaxing, even busy streets. The sounds are softened by tall buildings and trees to a very relaxing level.
I love the sound environment where I live with cars, mc's, service vehicles, people, restaurants, shops, dogs, kids, luggage trollies, occational construction workers, birds, aircrafts and I especially like the mc season. I have my windows open all time when the weather allows it.
It is a very walkable area with busy streets, quiet streets and parks, all with a relaxing sound environment.
Disturbing sound pollution can sometimes be caused by neighbours. Sound travels easily downwards in these apartments, not sideways or upwards. Lateral and upward noise pollution is caused by insane noise levels that pollute the entire block.
My DIY activities can sometimes cause sound pollution for my neighbours, it is a rare short-term pollution.
Freedom and independence
My freedom and independence are comfort zones for me.
Knowing what you want and don't want simplifies your life but not necessarily the lives of those around you and you have to deal with that to get what you want. Not everyone accepts 'No thanks!'.
I can be described as an introvert but I'm more extrovert at work, and I don't waste time on anything that doesn't interest me.
I'm happy with who I am and with my life - with and without a job sometimes - I wouldn't want to change anything in my life, change is refreshing.
Because my lifestyle is very eco-friendly and I can happily buy what I need, travel how I want and enjoy my interests without being bothered by any environmental concerns.